Thursday, September 3, 2009

September 3, 2009

So I ran to grab one of my books, and had a constant trickling of words going on in my head, over and over again. "She needs a book.....she needs a book.....she needs a" My heart was in a panic, but I did not know why it was so.

In the slightly cramped restroom, I walked in. She looked up at me and I moved my body and my head...she was unable to look at me straight in the eyes. I made her. Then, our eyes locked and the Power of the Holy Spirit began to give me strings of words to say to her. They were mixed up a little, in my mind. But as I spoke them, I knew that every single word was chosen just to reach the right place in this person's heart.

Right ear, little whispers. I felt the venom in my spoken words, as they started flowing slowly and then more rapidly and emotionally towards the end. You won't believe this story.

I looked in her eyes and then I spoke. "You are very mixed up. You are mixed up, but you do know right from wrong. You are not in the right place that you should be right now, and where you are is bad for you. You are going away from God, not near Him. He wants you to know that you are never alone. He is always with you. Those times that you thought you were walking along the sand with God....and then during the rough, rough times of life, you know that there was only one set of footprints during those entire times." She looked at me as if she just got slapped in the face, and she humbled herself before God as huge, regular tears started pouring out of her eyes. My voice took on more authority as I said, "You are thinking of hurting yourself. God wants you to know that he does not want you to damage the Temple of the Holy Spirit. You are not to do anything to harm yourself." Then I got it. I asked of her, "Are you thinking of committing suicide?" Her eyes stared up to the heavens as she quietly replied, "Yes." As the Great Physician and Healer Jesus knows, I had to ask one more question, which is actually taught in medical school. I asked, "Do you have a plan for killing yourself?" I already knew that the answer was 'yes' as she confirmed the words of the Holy Spirit.

"You won't believe it. I have my friend's car in the parking space two blocks away. It is filled with all of my worldly belongings, each enclosed in a piece of luggage." She wiped both her eyes as she said, "Everything I own is packed in my car Right Now." I was silent as the Holy Spirit worked in her heart to disclose all her truths to me. Slowly, as if in a dream, she said,

"I was going to go home tonight and slash my wrists. I had it planned for tonight."

I thanked God that I had a sensitivity to her position on this day. She confirmed many things: that she had strayed from God, that she was tempted into becoming homosexual, and that one of her indirect supervisors was the one who was pushing her in this direction." She admitted to knowing better, to being brought up by her mother as a woman of God, and I could sense a deep longing for her to go back home.

We hugged and prayed together. I gave her an autographed copy of my book, as she eagerly promised to read it and reread it so that she may better know God's works in her life.

The next morning, I received the first 'thank you' letter I have ever received for saving a life. She left me a letter, written in small but firm printing that covered a page and a half. She was going to follow God, as there was no way that I would have known anything about her at all. She was a perfect stranger to me. I was a perfect stranger to her. Yet God's whispered words to me ~ they allowed a transformation and a direction and a confirmation that God wanted to be in her daily life.

Someday, I hope I have letters from many people whose lives I had the pleasure of touching. Why do I feel like the first doctor to have Dysautonomia? Maybe God allowed it to happen so I could be here right now. Telling you this story. He is calling out to You, and to me. We are to come together in Spirit and in truth. They will know we are Christians by our Love. Storing treasures in Heaven is what life is all about, not storing riches on Earth. That stranger that asked you for money this afternoon? Maybe it was an angel from God.

So many of you want more details; the above story has been changed to protect the identity of the person before God. Perhaps look inside your soul and pray that it becomes softened, especially as I confirm scientific mind-bogglers that can only leave one to conclude:
God is real.
God cares about you.
God cares just as much for you as He does for me.
Soften my heart.


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